Debugging PHP on Mac OS X


I have been using Mac OS X as my primary operating system for a few years now, and only today I have found a very neat way to debug PHP code, like it is common for application code (i.e. stepping through code for debugging purposes).

The solution is a combination of Xdebug and MacGDBp.


I am using the PHP package by Marc Liyanage almost ever since I have been working on OS X, because it’s far more flexible than the PHP shipped with OS X.

Unfortunately, installing Xdebug the usual pecl install xdebug doesn’t work. But on the internetz you can find a solution to this problem.

Basically you need to download the source tarball and use the magic command CFLAGS='-arch x86_64' ./configure --enable-xdebug for configuring it. (The same works for installing APC by the way)

/usr/local/php5/php.d $ cat 50-extension-xdebug.ini


Now you can use MacGDBp. There is an article on Particletree that describes the interface in a little more detail.

I really enjoy using this method to only fire up this external program, when I want to debug some PHP code, and can continue to use my small editor, so that I don’t have to switch to a huge IDE to accomplish the same.

Posted in PHP

Eclipse Everywhere. Buah.

It’s been a little quiet lately. This is because I am working on a cute little project that I will be able to present soon. More when the time is ready.

There has been rumor lately that Zend (developer of PHP) will release a PHP Framework. This is nothing new, there has been a IDE (Zend ) for a long time now. But it will be based on Eclipse.

Also Macromedia announced that their new Flex 2.0 environment (Flashbuilder) will be based on Eclispe.

Why on earth Eclipse?! I think this is the most slowest IDEs available. It’s based on Java which makes it incredibly slow already and it’s so blown up that it’s unbelievable.

I just can’t understand why developers would use such a tool. I am not willing to buy a GHz monster PC just to have an editor running there. That’s a pure waste of money and electricity. Emacs is kinda slow already but it runs on a few MHz.

Can anyone explain to me why to use such a monster?

I thought that maybe everything changed for the better by now and downloaded the whole thing. That’s 100MB already. This already shows how much memory it will consume. Ok, I still started it. It took more than 2 minutes on my Powerbook G4. Hello? The features it provides are so not worth that.

I can recommend TextMate (best completition) and EditPlus (best integrated (S)FTP). These are fast, neat text editors. That’s what I want.

eclipse, zend, php, flex, textmate, editplus