Better code downloading with AJAX

I’ve been playing with Code downloading (or Javascript on Demand) a little more.

Michael Mahemoff pointed me at his great Ajaxpatterns in which he suggests a different solution:

if (self.uploadMessages) { // Already exists
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = "upload.js";

Via DOM manipulation a new script tag is added to our document, loading the new script via the ‘src’ attribute. I have put a working example here. As you can see this does not even need to do an XmlHttpRequest (XHR later on) so it will also work on browsers not supporting that.

So why use this approach and not mine? Initially I thought that it was not as good as doing it via XHR because you receive a direct feedback (i.e. a function call) when the script has been loaded. This is per se not possible with this technique. But as in good ol’ times a simple function call at the end of the script file will do the same job (compare source codes from the last example and this one (plus load.js)).

Using this method to load code later on also provides another “feature” (thanks for that hint to Erik Arvidsson): Unlike XHRs Firefox also provides a cache for scripts loaded that way. There seems to be a disagreement about whether this is a bug or a feature (people complaining that IE caches such requests while it could be quite useful in this scenario).

When using dynamically generated javascript code you will also have to keep your HTTP headers in mind (scripts don’t send them by default). The headers Cache-Control and Last-Modified will do usually (see section 6.1.2 of my thesis)

The method above is also the method used by Dojo, a developer (David Schontzler) commented, too. He says that Dojo also only loads the stuff the programmer needs, so little overhead can be expected from this project.

Also Alex Russell from Dojo left a comment about bloated javascript libraries. He has some good points about script size to say (read for yourself), I just want quote the best point of his posting:

So yes, large libraries are a problem, but developers need some of the capabilities they provide. The best libraries, though, should make you only pay for what you use. Hopefully Dojo and JSAN will make this the defacto way of doing things.

So hang on for Dojo, they seem to be on a good way (coverage of Dojo to follow).

Finally I want to thank you all for your great and insightful comments!

ajax, dojo, code downloading, javascript on demand, caching, http headers

PHP and Multibyte

ever messed around with umlauts or other non [a-z] letters? it’s quite horrible.

for the german speaking region there are mainly two encoding types: iso8859-1 and utf-8. the former encodes each letter with one byte by extending old 7-bit ascii with 127 more letters, amongst others also umlauts. utf-8 includes up to 32,640 more letters (ascii 0x80-0xff are used to select the range of the following byte). this is established by allowing multi-byte characters. in the case of utf-8 the maximum is two letters, but there exist utf-16 and utf-32 with up to 4 bytes per char.

so, what’s the problem? with bandnews we have different sources for our data, meaning that we receive many pages with many different encodings and have to deliver a page that follows only one encoding. we chose to use utf-8 now, because a wide range of letters from many other encodings can be displayed which are not included in iso8859-1.

now it is important that you stop using strlen and substr because it can easily happen that you split an utf-8 character into parts, and forget comparing it to anything, then. alterenatives are mb_strlen and mb_substr and all other sorts of mb_* functions. well… this does not work out of the box, you need to specify what encoding is to be expected. this can be done like this:


all mb_* commands use this encoding if no other is specified.

still, non-utf-8 code can come through to the browser, e.g. if you receive it from the database. but there is a chance to get around this quite comfortably:


the output buffer is cleared from wrong charactes by the mb_output_handler. it is also easily possible to have the output converted to iso8859-1, just by specifying it with the mb_http_output command.
a drawback is, though, that no other output filter can be applied, such as for output compression


the manual states that instead zlib compression should be used, as specified in the php.ini file or via ini_set:

ini_set ('zlib.output_compression', 'on');
ini_set ('zlib.output_handler', 'mb_output_handler');

note that the output-handler for ob_start has to be empty and it is moved to the config option. this sounds great, but i was not able to get it to work. well, i must admit that i did not put so much time into it because i simply decided to move the responsibility to apache: mod_deflate. you might want to modify the configuration line, as i did:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript text/css

have fun with character encoding. it works after some while. but its a lot of trial and error.