SSL Certificate Expiry Warning Script

With the increasing trend of SSL on the web, where Google values SSL sites higher and you can have your site be added to the HSTS preload list (the browser will first try HTTPS before trying HTTP), it is a good idea to start using SSL yourself.

The downside: you need to get a certificate through a (pre-trusted by the browser) CA, or certificate authority. This usually costs money, though there are some services that give you a certificate for free. The free certificates only last for one year or less, this means you need to request and install a new certificate frequently, especially when you have multiple domains.

Now it can happen to anyone, even Microsoft (Windows Azure Service Disruption from Expired Certificate), that you forget to renew (and update) your certificate in time.

There is a nice service called (interestingly enough not over HTTPS) that will send you an e-mail when a certificate is due to be updated. But as with any web service, unfortunately you can never be sure how long it’s going to live.

So, I have created a script that I run through a cronjob every day that will send me a notification e-mail several times in advance (1 day and 2 7 14 30 60 days ahead), so that you are not dependent on a third party to get notified about expiries. As it is supposed to be with cronjobs, there is no output when there is nothing to report (thus no e-mail).

Here is the script (download


for i in /etc/certificates/*.pem; do
	echo $(basename $i): $(openssl x509 -in $i -inform PEM -text -noout -enddate | grep "Not After" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4, $5, $7}') >> $CertExpiries

Date=$(date -ud "+1 day" | awk '{print $2, $3, $6}')
Expiries=$(grep "$Date" $CertExpiries)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
	echo These Certificates expire TOMORROW!
	echo $Expiries
for i in 2 7 14 30 60; do
	Date=$(date -ud "+$i day" | awk '{print $2, $3, $6}')
	Expiries=$(grep "$Date" $CertExpiries)
	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
		echo These Certificates expire in $i days:
		echo $Expiries
rm $CertExpiries;

Add a Rate Limit to Your Website

Suppose you have a ressource on the web (for example an API) that either generates a lot of load, or that is prone to be abused by excessive use, you want to rate-limit it. That is, only a certain number of requests is allowed per time-period.

A possible way to do this is to use Memcache to record the number of requests received per a certain time period.

Task: Only allow 1000 requests per 5 minutes

First attempt:
The naive approach would be to have a key rate-limit- (where would be the client’s IP address) with a expiration time of 5 minutes (aka 300 seconds) and increment it with every request. But consider this:

10:00: 250 reqs -> value 250
10:02: 500 reqs -> value 750
10:04: 250 reqs -> value 1000
10:06: 100 reqs -> value 1250 -> fails! (though there were only 850 requests in the last 5 minutes)

Whats the problem?

Memcache renews the expiration time with every set.

Second attempt:
Have a new key every 5 minutes: rate-limit-${minutes modulo 5}. This circumvents the problem that the key expiration but creates another one:

10:00: 250 reqs -> value 250
10:02: 500 reqs -> value 750
10:04: 250 reqs -> value 1000
10:06: 300 reqs -> value 300 -> doesn’t fail! (though there were 1050 requests in the last 5 minutes)

Store the value for each minute separately: rate-limit-$hour$minute. When checking, query all the keys in the last 5 minutes to calculate the requests in the last 5 minutes.

Sample code:

foreach ($this->getKeys($minutes) as $key) {
    $requests += $this->memcache->get($key);

$this->memcache->increment($key, 1);

if ($requests > $allowedRequests) throw new RateExceededException;

For your convenience I have open sourced my code at github: php-ratelimiter.