bash completion for the pear command

I am only scratching my own itch here, but maybe someone can use it or expand from it.

I just always found annoying that pear run-tests tab gives all files instead of just *.phpt. This is what this snippet actually does.

Paste this into the file /opt/local/etc/bash_completion on OSX (for me it is just before _filedir_xspec()) or into a new file /etc/bash_completion.d/pear on Debian.

# pear completion
have pear &&
local cur prev commands options command


commands='build bundle channel-add channel-alias channel-delete channel-discover channel-info channel-update clear-cache config-create config-get config-help config-set config-show convert cvsdiff cvstag download download-all info install list list-all list-channels list-files list-upgrades login logout makerpm package package-dependencies package-validate pickle remote-info remote-list run-scripts run-tests search shell-test sign uninstall update-channels upgrade upgrade-all'

if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-V' -- $cur ) )
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )


case $command in
_filedir 'phpt'

return 0
complete -F _pear $default pear

Then re-source your bashrc or logout and re-login.

I am far from being an expert in bash_completion programming, so I hope someone can go on from here (or maybe has something more complete lying around?).

Facebook discloses its users to 3rd party web sites

Q&A with Dave Morin of Facebook

Just a quick post, because what I read at Joshua Porter’s blog somewhat alarms me: Facebook?s Brilliant but Evil design.

I feel more and more reassured at why I don’t use Facebook and have a bad feeling about them.

The gist is this: when you buy something at a participating web site (Ethan Zuckerman shows how it is done at, Facebook discloses to that 3rd party web site, that you are a user of Facebook, and hands over some more details about you — while you are only visiting that 3rd party page (and not!!

This goes against the idea of separate Domains on the Internet. Joshua fortunately also goes into technical detail, how this could be done.

In my opinion Facebook users should quit the service and heavily protest against these practices. But I am afraid, few of them will even notice that this is happening.

Posted in Web