Archive February 7, 2016 WordCamp Europe 2016 October 8, 2015 Presentation: My WordPress is up, what now? May 27, 2015 Community Translator March 2, 2015 Bookmarklet: Add URL to Links February 4, 2015 Buchhaltung für EPUs: Bookamat September 9, 2014 Little Snitch und Freewave August 14, 2014 SSL Certificate Expiry Warning Script April 26, 2014 Stack Overflow: Ways out of the negativity April 17, 2014 Fix qTranslate with WordPress 3.9 April 19, 2013 Add a Rate Limit to Your Website April 5, 2013 Thinkery API launched February 7, 2013 munin smart plugin: ignore error in the past December 23, 2012 Genial Daneben Analyse October 11, 2012 Android WebView: Web page not available February 15, 2012 Git tip: Changing your mind: Push pending changes to a (not-yet existing) new branch January 26, 2012 hckr news January 3, 2012 Use an authenticated feed in Google Reader December 6, 2011 New Feature for HN Collapsible Threads: Collapse Whole Thread October 1, 2011 preg_match, UTF-8 and whitespace May 31, 2011 Restoring single objects in mongodb March 30, 2011 Safari Extension: Clean URLs January 27, 2011 trac Report for Feature Voting January 11, 2011 iOS 2011 Alarm Clock Bug December 21, 2010 Title Junk: Solve it with Javascript July 22, 2010 Colorillo: Draw on an LED Wall February 16, 2010 Reddit-like Collapsible Threads for Hacker News October 22, 2009 Colorillo July 29, 2009 Even Faster Web Sites, a book by Steve Souders December 26, 2008 Debugging PHP on Mac OS X August 21, 2008 Website Optimization, a book by Andrew B. King July 15, 2008 Upgrade WordPress Script May 21, 2008 bash completion for the pear command November 16, 2007 Facebook discloses its users to 3rd party web sites October 7, 2007 This was FOWA Expo 2007 September 26, 2007 High Performance Web Sites, a book by Steve Souders September 25, 2007 Poor Finder August 24, 2007 What does “size” in int(size) of MySQL mean? June 22, 2007 I do not agree to the publication of this photo June 21, 2007 Webkit catching up with Firefox and Firebug June 19, 2007 no longer lists Austrian Registry on its Block List Previous Page 1 2 3 4 Next Page