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  • WordPress Playground Step Library

    WordPress Playground is this fascinating tool that allows you to run WordPress without a server. It achieves this by running PHP in your browser by using WASM. It sounds cool, and it makes for numerous interesting demos, as its original creator Adam Zielinski showed at WordCamp Europe 2024: WordPress Playground – use WordPress without a…

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  • Your WordPress as Your Personal Mastodon Instance

    tl;dr: Three plugins can transform your WordPress install to your personal Mastodon Instance: ActivityPub, Enable Mastodon Apps, and Friends. As you might know, I am the author of the Friends plugin for WordPress. I started this in 2018 with the idea (which I later described in a vision post) that something like Facebook (with private…

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  • @simon Ich glaub der https://kraft.press Feed ist irgendwie kaputt. In PocketCasts gibts den Beitrag aber die Audio-Datei ist ein 404, im Feed https://feed.kraut.press/en/ ist er nicht drin. Über den Website-Beitrag kann man ihn hören.

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  • @jimniels My WordPress plugin Friends can do this together with my other plugin Send to E-reader. When a new article arrives in an RSS feed it would send an email with the ePub of the article that includes it’s images. I also have another plugin for it called Post Collection which can download the articles…

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  • @cutterkom @eay @pfefferle Die erste Zeile des Beitrags wird als Titel verwendet, allerdings in der aktuellen Version nur wenn bei App im WordPress Backend als Post-Format “Standard” angewählt ist. Das werden wir in der nächsten Version ändern, sodass das mit dem Erste Zeile = Titel immer funktioniert.

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  • @maxheadroom Korrekt, das ist mit dem Plugin schon jetzt möglich!

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  • In this year’s Cloudfest Hackathon, @pfefferle was so kind to work on making my WordPress plugin Enable Mastodon Apps more open and better structured to work with other plugins like ActivityPub. The Enable Mastodon Apps plugin allows using all those nice Mastodon apps with your own WordPress, instantly opening up a whole new universe of…

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  • Reblog of Matthias Pfefferle: Enable Mastodon Apps

    Reblog via Matthias Pfefferle Ich war am Wochenende auf dem CloudFest Hackathon und hatte zum zweiten Mal die Change ein Projekt zu betreuen. Die Idee zu „Enable Mastodon Apps“ stammt von @alex und ich freue mich sehr, dass er mir sein „Baby“ für den Hackathon anvertraut hat! Hier ist unser Pitch: Inhalt von YouTube anzeigen…

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  • The Beauty of Simple Bookmarklets

    Jeremy Keith posted about bookmarklets that he uses for testing websites where he specifically likes those that just pass on the current URL to a service. Those bookmarklets typically have a structure like: I use those for my Friends WordPress plugin, too. That’s the one where you can follow people via RSS or ActivityPub and…

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  • @HarHarLinks Thank you for the kind words and sorry about that talk name confusion! My thinking was that there would be enough people in the room who hadn’t seen the community summit talk so that it would still be new to them, along with the intro-part of the talk (which was very similar to the…

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