WordPress Plugins


This is my passion plugin that allows you to make your own WordPress the center of your online activity. You can connnect WordPresses to form a friend network and share private posts with your friends. It is also a Feed Reader and gives you a nice UI for reading the feeds you subscribe. In combination with the ActivityPub plugin you can also follow Mastodon accounts, like, boost and reply to their status posts.

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/friends/
Code: https://github.com/akirk/friends

Enable Mastodon Apps

This adds the Mastodon API to your WordPress. This means you can use any Mastodon app to talk to your blog to write new posts, upload media, see your friends posts (if used with the Friends plugin) and reply to them. It’s a fascinating alternate way to use WordPress.

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-mastodon-apps/
Code: https://github.com/akirk/enable-mastodon-apps

My Apps

An app launcher for your WordPress! If your WordPress is your starting point, you’ll want to start the different apps apps from your phone in a launcher-style environment.

Plugin not yet in the WordPress plugin directory
Code: https://github.com/akirk/my-apps

My Post Stats

A widget for your WordPress dashboard that will show your past posting history so that you can know how consistent you have been at blogging.

Plugin not yet in the WordPress plugin directory
Code: https://github.com/akirk/my-post-stats

Post Collection

Store posts from the web on your blog for later reading, or sending them to your E-Reader. The posts can be separated into different collections by using WordPress users for this.

Plugin not yet in the WordPress plugin directory
Code: https://github.com/akirk/friends-post-collection

Send to E-Reader

Send posts to your e-reader via e-mail or download them from a special-link overview page. This is nice for reading articles from the web on your e-reader.

Plugin not yet in the WordPress plugin directory
Code: https://github.com/akirk/friends-send-to-e-reader

Family Wiki

Preserve your family history in a (potentially private) wiki created on WordPress. Read more in my blog post about it.

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/family-wiki/
Code: https://github.com/akirk/family-wiki


Here I led the team creating this, only contributing a bit. This is a Matrix client as a Block Editor block. You can add a Matrix chat to a page and lock it to a room.

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/chatrix/
Code: https://github.com/Automattic/chatrix

OpenID Connect Server

Here I led the team creating this, only contributing a bit. This makes WordPress a OpenID Connect server so that you can use it to authenticate. For example, have a Matrix server that allows users to from a WordPress to (automatically) create accounts. This was created for the efforts to migrate WordPress.org to Matrix.

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/openid-connect-server/
Code: https://github.com/Automattic/wp-openid-connect-server