My Post Stats WordPress Dashboard Widget

I’ve been curious about how much I post to my WordPress but all the Statistics plugins I was able to find for WordPress were about visitor stats.

Thus I created the plugin My Post Stats Dashboard Widget.

Dashboard Widget

All the plugin does is to add a new widget to your WordPress Dashboard that shows the months in which you posted something to your WordPress. Here is mine:

A screenshot of the My Post Stats WordPress dashboard widget showing a graph of posts per month and a table with stats like posts per day, most active day etc.

Below, you see a table of stats with posts per day, per week, per month. Most Active stats about which day of the week you post mostly, which hour of the day and what was your year with the most posts. Finally all time stats like your first post and the total posts you made.

Finally, it has a tree view of your posts so that you can rediscover what you posted in a particular year and month.

How to show or hide it

If the widget doesn’t show up automatically, check the Screen Options by clicking on the top right of the wp-admin screen.

You can also move the widget around:

Oh, and if the colors look different in your dashboard this is because it respects the dashboard color scheme you’ve selected in your profile (via the top right menu → Edit Profile):

Get the plugin in the WordPress plugin directory now: My Post Stats Dashboard Widget! If you encounter issues, please visit the Github repostory and report an issue or submit a patch.

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