Data Liberation with WordPress Playground

Alex Kirk
Trying WordPress Plugins is risky for your site!
WordPress is server-side only software!
I don't need data liberation!
Why bother? Platforms have Data exports!
In my talk today
- Disprove these statements:
- Data Liberation?
- Big Detour: WordPress Playground
- "Try WordPress" browser extension
At the end of this talk
you'll know
- How to use Playground for experiments and demos
- How data liberation applies to you
- How you can be part of this
What is Data Liberation?
- Move Your Own Data: Platform → Any Other Platform
- 6.8 Social Media accounts per internet user (source: Kepios)
Liberated = Free Data
- Unlocked = Choice of Destination
- Widely supported (file) format
- Transformable into other formats
Exports from Typical Platforms
- Only available if forced by legislation
- No common file format
- Take hours or days
- Sometimes need to be requested from support
- Partial data (e.g. no friendship data)
WordPress as
Liberation Target
- Open Source
- Choice inside the WordPress ecosystem (plugins)
- Many platforms import from WordPress
WordPress Importers
Provided by the WordPress project:
A number of importer plugins exist, too
WordPress Importer
Status Quo
- One-time action for users
- Contribution dilemma
- Fix your own import
- No incentive to fix the problem in the importer
- → Not highly maintained
Data Representation
- Import of platform-specific export files
- vs.
- Export of a file specifically for WordPress
Import from Platform Exports
- Huge variety of file formats
- Not well-defined (no standards)
- Change over time
- → Needs maintenance
Export File for WordPress
- Platforms don't provide WordPress eXtended RSS files
- → Transform platform exports into WXR files?
- WXR format is text-only (no attachments)
- Content-types not supported by WordPress natively → ?
WordPress Playground
to the rescue!
WordPress Playground?
- WordPress running in the browser
- Technology: WebAssembly, JavaScript, SQLite
- No server-side code running → sandbox
- Many ways to tailor to your needs
Detour: Why is WordPress Playground a big deal?
For You!
WordPress Playground
- Try plugins without risking your live site
- Showcase a website before you have a host for it
- Run beta versions of WordPress or plugins to test them
- Translate a live plugin instead of guessing its UI
Playground as a Developer Tool
Playground as a Demo Tool
- Convince people: show a preconfigured plugin
- Preview a full demo WordPress site to a client
- Send a preconfigured link with:
content, plugins, theme, ...
- Embed WordPress in a post/page with a block
Provide a Preview of Your Plugin
Why is WordPress Playground a solution for data liberation?
- Can be easily reset → just try again!
- Side-by-side view with a browser extension
- Liberate data into a live WordPress
- → Plugins can handle non-native types
Liberating Data with Playground
- You navigate to the site → No entering of URLs
- You help locate the data → Universal
- Data gets directly sent to WordPress (Playground)
What about:
- Contact Forms
- Restaurant Menus
- Products
- → WordPress cannot handle those natively!
But Plugins can!
- Liberate Data = Free choice
- Select your favorite plugin for a content type
- Doesn't work? Other plugins are available
But why export in the browser?
- Logged in = access to your view of your data
- Logged in = access to the service's own APIs
- No IP blocking: User entitled to view their own site
- Live Preview of imported data
- Interactive while importing:
- See progress, choose a plugin, edit posts
Traditional Export/Import
Trying WordPress Plugins is risky for your site!
Trying WordPress Plugins is risky for your site!
Run any plugin risk-free with WordPress Playground
WordPress is server-side only software!
WordPress is server-side only software!
Not anymore: Run WordPress in your browser with WordPress Playground
I don't need data liberation!
I don't need data liberation!
Moving your data into WordPress opens paths to other platforms
Why bother? Platforms have Data exports!
Why bother? Platforms have Data exports!
But only some, they often omit the valuable meta data