I think library size *is* an issue to some degree. Of course it varies with the situation.

True that bandwidth is increasing and so. But what is also increasing is the amount of stuff we pump thru these bandwidth pipes. I think *percieved* speed stays roughly constant.

A good analogy would be the hard disk. There was a time when 20MB was big. We were able to fill them at the time. Now a few hundred GB is big (order of 10^3). We are finding ways to fill these hundreds of GBs. Percieved storage space stays roughly constant.

One of the ideas that ajax tries to bring us is to not waste so much user’s time with page requests. This is why I think it is important not to have bloated ajax apps.

Once the js library is loaded, it doesn’t need to be loaded until a new page refresh is done. But bloating is not only about download time. It’s also about memory consumtion and responsiveness.

I hope we don’t see too much ajax being used simply for eye-candy (animations and so) just for the sake of it. That happened with flash.